
Transparent Friday

Black Friday is the world’s day of irresponsible consumption.

A date when people ignore the impact of their choices, or the evils of the industry they are supporting - Fast Fashion. All they care about are the discount numbers. So what can a sustainable clothing brand like Oriba do on a date like that?

Fast fashion brands will talk about how much money you save, 

Oriba will be more transparent and talk about how much of the planet you spend. 

How? By attracting the consumer with the most efficient Black Friday strategy, the percentages. In our case, the percentages in sustainability reports.

CD: Boris Stoikov; Gus Machado

CW: Maria Branco; Helena Tarozzo

AD: Gab da Rocha; Bernardo Tarnowski

Production: Vitor Meyer; Gus Machado; Paulo Moreira; Georgia Toledo

Direction of Photography: Dariely Belke

Editor: Engelman Romeiro


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